Fue Hair Transplant In Gurgaon | free Classified | Free Advertising | free classified ads
Posted April 23, 2024 at 6:17 pm by sbtrichology

Fue Hair Transplant In Gurgaon

There are several hair transplant techniques available, the most popular of which is Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUE Hair Transplant. If one is looking for a FUE hair transplant in Gurgaon, they can visit SB Trichology. FUE is a cutting-edge hair transplantation technique in which individual hair grafts are extracted using a micro-punch tool from areas with plenty of healthy, thick hair and implanted one at a time in thinning or balding areas. The transplanted hair grows in the same way that existing hair does, resulting in completely natural and long-lasting results.  To learn more, consult with Dr. Shilpi Bhadani today.

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