Posted October 28, 2023 at 3:43 pm by Junglesting

Find the best herbal tea in india- junglesting

Herbal Tea. Our herbal blends are a celebration of the pure, unadulterated flavors that nature provides. 

Olive-leaf Tea is the perfect alternative to your regular tea or Green Tea. This wholesome infusion packs more antioxidants and vitamin C than green tea, making it a natural and healthy choice for the entire family.

Incorporating age-old symbolism, olive leaves were historically associated with peace. It’s no surprise that Olive Leaf Tea embodies this calming legacy, offering a gently mellow herbal brew that promotes a profound sense of well-being. For an extra flavor boost, a few drops of lemon and Jungle Sting’s raw forest honey work wonders. It’s also perfectly served over ice when chilled, providing a refreshing and soothing experience.

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