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Essay Course for UPSC
Posted June 20, 2023 at 5:02 pm by Arun00

best institute for essay writing program for UPSC

EDEN IAS- best coaching institute for IAS in Delhi, where he had received coaching on ethics for UPSC from Mr. Tirthankar Roychowdhary Sir, one of the best academic teachers and professionals, and under whom only the essay writing modules were being developed. As per his recommendation, I attended a demo session. However, after that, I was unable to stop myself from enrolling there because of the method that was used to teach all the fundamental terms and concepts that are required to be ingrained when writing an essay for the UPSC examination and in addition to it the one to one mentorship session of sir themselves is like an added feature in the entire module.
Now that I’m enrolled, I can see that whatever I was writing before was all just for me to pass the time. However, now that I’ve learned the actual terms and methods on which one should write an essay—like how to frame the main body and include both an introduction and a conclusion—all of these aspects are given a lot of attention in these essay course for UPSC -writing sessions.

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