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The Fasteners House

The Fasteners House is manufacturers exporters and wholesale suppliers in india, punjab, Ludhiana. Our High Tensile Fasteners products range includes Hex Bolts, Hex Nuts, Plain Washers, Spring Washers, Anchor Fasteners, Anchor Foundation Bolts / L Bolts, U-Bolts / Bent Bolts, Eye Bolts, B7 Bolts, Galvanized Anchor L Bolt, L Shaped Foundation Anchor Bolts, Foundation Bolts,

Square Nuts

We are an Exporter of Square Nuts, used with a mating bolt to fasten multiple parts together. DIC Square Nuts are available in a wide range of sizes to suit different applications. These Nuts have a larger surface area than other nuts, which can provide more stability and support in certain applications.

Flange Bolts

DIC is an Exporter of Flange Bolts in India, which have a circular flange under the head that acts like a washer to distribute the load. Our Flange Bolts are designed using high-grade raw materials and the latest technology to meet international standards.

Anchor Bolts

We are Anchor Bolts Exporter in India. We are committed to providing high-quality bolts with more accuracy to our customers. Anchor Bolts are also available in various sizes and materials as per customer requirements. We also provide Anchor Bolts in different shapes.

Foundation Bolt Exporters in India

We are Foundation Bolt Exporters in India. These Bolts provide an excellent solution to connect structural and non-structural elements to solid materials. Our Foundation Bolts have unique features such as corrosion-resistant and high tensile strength. 

Wing Nuts

We are an Exporter of Wing Nuts in India, and have wings on both sides to enable better tightening of the nut. The main benefit of wing nuts lies in their easy installation and removal procedure. Wing Nuts, also known as “butterfly nuts” consists of a metal piece with a threaded hole.

J Bolts Exporter

DIC is J Bolts Exporter in India. Our J Bolts provide partial support to structure due to its open hook design. These Bolts are easy to install, use, and reinstall if necessary. We produce J Bolts in all sizes and materials as per customer requirements.

Anchor Bolts Exporter

We are Anchor Bolts Exporter in India. We are committed to providing high-quality bolts with more accuracy to our customers. Anchor Bolts are also available in various sizes and materials as per customer requirements. We also provide Anchor Bolts in different shapes.

Plow Bolts Exporter

DIC is Plow Bolts Exporter in India. These Bolts can be finished with a wide range of coatings, such as zinc plated, black oxide, or as per customer requirement. DIC Bolts are known for their durability, reliability, and long-lasting performance.

Plow Bolt

DIC is an Exporter of Plow Bolt in India. These Bolts can be finished with a wide range of coatings, such as zinc plated, black oxide, or as per customer requirement. Our Range of Plow Bolts is available in both standard and customized dimensions.


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